Atkins Library Technology

There is an assistive technology lab located in Atkins Library on the first floor in room 101C. All individual rooms within Atkins require reservations. Room 101C is bookable through the Information Desk on the 1st floor. Students will need to stop by this desk or call 704‑687‑2030 to reserve the room.

The following technology is located in Atkins:

  • JAWS
  • Read&Write Gold
  • CCTV- (CCTV’s are available in 2 locations in the library: Room 101C and on the second floor near the Course Reserves desk.)
  • QuadJoy mouse
  • ZoomText

For more information on library accessibility, please visit the Atkins website.

* Note that ZoomText is not compatible with All-in-One (AIO) computers. AIO computers are one unit with no computer case. When launching ZoomText on an AIO computer the screen goes dark, and what appears is only the mouse arrow. IT Services and the vendor of ZoomText are aware of the issue and working on a resolution. Let us know if you encounter any issues.